Giving this a go...

By Debiives

Crying in the corner

I didn't notice Ross crying in the corner when I took this! I was too busy watching Cameron doing the Haka to Andrew before they started their sword fight.
I took some photos on C's camera too which weren't so noisy but this one is funnier!

My camera has finally completely broken (after I dropped it in July) but a replacement is on its way from Amazon.

My head of dept made me talk to the person who annoyed me yest, I didn't want to because I was scared. But it was ok, she apologised and said she hadn't meant to undermine me. If it makes her think before she barges into similar situations then she'll avoid upsetting other people.

Oh and yesterday's blip was ice on the car roof. It was -2.5C. Not so cold today tho.

Did my last cycle and run this aft before my scary race on Sunday.

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