W8man on the Web

By w8man

No. 366

Today's blip is brought to you by the number 366. 21st October, a year to the day since I started the barmy photo blog.... and I made it! Just.

Quite a lot has happened since the picture of two combine harvesters in the field next door. :-)

This is my long exposure shot and an LED torch. You have to write words backwards of course (unless you want to cheat and 'flip' it afterwards using Photoshop or Gimp) Taken in the Kitchen with the lights turned off, you'll be able to make out the wall clock. I should probably have smiled, but on this particular attempt I thought I'd got the sixes the wrong way around. - like the previous 17 attempts :-)

What a great year it's been.

Ohh and this years harvest happened two and a bit weeks earlier than last Octobers I notice.

Thanks for following/reading/laughing/mocking/visiting/whatevering.


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