Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Waiter there's a hair in my ratatouille

Well more the other way around really. But how TSM manages to eat without ending up digesting her own curly mop I do sometimes wonder ...

So today:

Despite being on annual leave I had to log in and do an hour and a half's work. Deadline management.

We then spent the whole day de-junking, going to the dump etc.

Daughter rang in state of high excitement about prospect of going to Uni in Melbourne for a year. Smiling Giant helped me de-junk the garage. Dizzle bought two mates home and went bonkers on pepsi and testosterone (potent mix).

Shopped in Waitrose.

Between us we cooked Mushroom Soup and Ratatouille from Hugh Fearnley Wotsit's new recipe book on veggie stuff (his TV programme started last Sunday night on the telly, it's very good).

Also now have an apple strudel in the oven - home made but inspired by watching the M&S adverts. I soaked the sultanas in cointreau before adding them in to the mix.

Now about to chill with a glass of wine. A good day.

Bon appetit.

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