The Day I....

By Paega

The Day I Spotted A Fox

Tried some countryside shots today. After some dull washed out attempts at rolling fields I walked down a lane and thought I'd try and capture its leafiness.

I set up the camera and tripod and took a fifteen second exposure. As I clicked the shutter a fox dropped down from the bank and stood staring at me and Archie (my retriever). It wasn't a particularly stunning shot but served to remind me that if you don't get out there then you don't see stuff!

This sunrise shot came out a little better, I quite like the colours. It's what I imagine hell to look like. Might as well get used to it.

In today's news... They are now arguing about what to do with Gadaffi's body. It's apparent that he was captured alive and ended up with a bullet in his skull. I'm sure they can come up with some kind of macabre solution for his interment. Maybe a crazy golf hole?

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