I like bathtime, I get to splash around lots,
here I am throwing water everywere,
flooded floors are so the new look,
didn't you know?
ask your toddler to check it out,
failing having a toddler, borrow one,
because we really are so much fun,
I mean, I have never seen,
another toddler throw a tantrum,
but like all toddlers its inbuilt,
to stamp my feet when daddy stops me,
pouring water all over the carpet,
(there you go that flooded carpet in look again!)
or throw my self to the floor,
in one big flop when mummy,
rescues the soaken sodden sponge from my grasp,
as I hastily try to wipe pen marks from the sofa,
So yes, wet soggy house....the new fashion,
coming your way via toddlers very soon

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