
I bought a new biscuit press today, you know how it goes.....into lidl for a look round to buy milk.

I knew it was a mistake to take BabyMuppet.

We came out with:

a biscuit press, this one is metal and not plastic like the one I already have and therefore a kitchen essential.

a baking tray to make six mini sponge flans well at least I do not already have one of those

a set of silicone chocolate moulds, I do already have one, but that moulds people shaped chocolates and the new one does ripply squares so I needed that too.

a pair of furry lined crocs, the dog ate my last pair so I did actually need those.

On the way home we had to go into tesco to buy milk.


Anyway the ones on the tray are from the new press and the ones underneath are piped with my fabulous piping bags that Lakeland sent me after I complained about this utter bit of kitchen crap that I bought and heartily DO NOT RECOMMEND

Can't beat their customer service in spite of crappy silicone piping bags!

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