Scarborough Party

2years 1day

Today has been a very busy but very very happy day, with my little lady being an absolute star. We pottered at home this morning, Mummy getting things ready and Katie playing for AGES with her new kitchen that she got for her birthday. She adores it. We dropped Sarah off to go home, then headed to Scarborough for Party #1.

We got to the venue and she had fun running round chasing mountains of balloons before the guests arrived. We were thrilled- all 5 of us who became good friends at postnatal group made it today, first time in a while. It was lovely! The children had a lot of fun playing on diddybugs, Katie's new balance bike, space hoppers, doing giant chalk pictures and colouring outside, lots of bubbles and a pass the parcel. I got cuddles with my beautiful baby niece, and hugs from my eldest nephew. Katie enjoyed wandering round taking it all in, bouncing up and down excitedly at various points.

Everyone seemed to not eat a lot of the savoury food - they clearly anticipated puds and the children definitely ate an impressive quantity of cakes. When it was time to sing to her, and she got a proper look at her cake, she was absolutely over the moon. My bestfriend's mum had made it, and 2dozen amazing cupcakes. The cake had all the Wiggles characters, down to the Wiggles in their right seats in the Toottootchugga (Big Red Car). Katie was so very excited. And ate Wags' head. The cupcakes all had a Wiggles character on it, which she'd individually made.

When most of her friends had left, Katie had lots of fun with Uncle Simon, and running round with big big balloons. Given that we had a room full of potty training/only just trained toddlers, I was impressed that in the whole party they didnt have a single accident!

It's been a really fabulous time and so precious to me to see her having such a wonderful time with very dear family and friends that we can't see very often. A lovely day.

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