
By Poppy

Garden Tidy Up

The local gardening club look after a community garden in the village and at this time of the year we get together and tidy it up a bit and put it to bed for the winter. It is a great little garden, very sheltered, right in the middle of the village, and is run completely on donations, of time and money.

It has been a garden for years, but was all overgrown and neglected, with a rotten pavilion type shed in one corner and the house that it used to belong to didn't want anything to do with it. The garden club took it over and brought it back to life, rediscovering old paths and unearthing edging stones and lovely old plants, still struggling on amid the weeds and brambles, rosa rugosa and sycamore seedlings!

Fortified with cups of mulled wine and some home bakes we set to and cut back, weeded and mowed the grass for the last time this year. As we worked the last swallows circled above us and a robin scratched about in the newly weeded bed.

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