
Stocked up on lovely healthy veggies today, will probably turn some into spicy lentil soup / dahl tomorrow.

D's recovered fully and will be back at the gym tomowwor yay!! He came with me to the hospital tonight (its been a week since he last visited) and said he noticed a marked improvement in how my dad looked which was great especially after the problems of yesterday. Hopefully they will do what they can regarding his heart but a bypass isn't going to be an option and they can't put more stents in becasue they use different ones these days (his current ones are 9 years old) and modern drugs don't work as well with the old ones - or so dad tells me. When he does visit Kings they will try to stretch his existing ones a bit to make them work better. I'm still being positive tho coz a positive attitude is miles better than being negative. Heart disease appears to run in the family on one of our family lines for generations back to my 3rd great grandfather at least so it is a worry for me

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