
By BikerJim

~Jimson Weed~

~Datura stramonium~

Known by many common names such as
ditch weed, stink weed, loco weed,
Korean morning glory, Jamestown weed,
thorn apple, angel's trumpet, devil's trumpet,
devil's snare, devil's seed, mad hatter, crazy tea,
malpitte, datura metel, and zombie cucumber.
It is a weed in the Nightshade family.
Nightshade is the common name
for a family of plants, some of which are poisonous,
others are among the world's most important food plants,
including tomatoes and potatoes.
This one is poisonous, very much so!
If someone offers you a cup of jimson tea,
please decline, I need all the
Blip subscribers I can get!

But what a beautiful flower.

Thanks for stopping by my page.

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