roots and wings

By rootsandwings

home no more

today it was almost 60 degrees, and the skies were perfectly blue. a gorgeous late fall day after the cold rain and high winds we've been subject to these past few weeks. so boy was i excited when i got the chance to leave work early and bask in the good weather for a little while!

so i donned my trusty sandals and went for a walk in the woods. down one of my favorite close-to-town trails. taking time to sit alongside the bear river, listening to its gentle flow. and admire the late afternoon sun glowing through those last colorful leaves, still hanging on to the branches. i even discovered some amazing apple trees i wasn't previously aware of - perfectly crisp apples, with just the right amount of sweetness!

this evening my parents and i spent a moment looking at this photo - deciphering shapes out of the paths. dancing horses and chinese symbols. what do you see?

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