Mr Mysterious H

By MrMayhem

The Elusive Heron

Friday, my last day at the centre. Today would be the day to find the Elusive Heron.

Bloody thing. I missed it at least 12 times in 5 days. including having it in my viewfinder, tripod mounted on a nice misty frosty morning. When i hear the back door open and a big hairy arsed fire fighter come stomping his size 12's behind me pronouncing "It'll never show up while you're out here" it flys off.

Finally i see it early Friday morning sat as bold as brass next to the waterfall. Off i run to grab my camera praying that on return it'd be there still and it was. So i sneak out the door as quiet as a mouse.

Out on the river bank i got about 10 shots of it just sat. So i figure i'll scare it a little and hopfully get some good in flight shots....BOOOO, nothing....BOOOOO WITH ARMS WAVING, nothing. The damn thing wouldn't sit still all wek now i couldn't get it to fly off.

Eventually it flew off and sat in a tree which is when i got this shot.I choose this one because of the detail in it...oh and all the others had the waterfall in and i could bring myself to blip it again.

Last day and finally some good music they broke out this for the pool session.

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