Lyn's Things

By Abzquine

Bla'ing off Steam

Well this is an incredibly attractive picture of me isn't it? Not!

It is however an accurate one of how I look after I've been at the gym. Luckily it's close to home and the dark nights plus a hoodie means that not too many people are subjected to seeing me.

I've started to enjoy the gym. I like the tired feeling after the adrenaline wears off. I like the feeling in my muscles the next day where I've worked them. I like the way my skin glows a bit more than its done in a long time.

oh and did I mention? I've now lost a whole STONE!!!!! Since I started doing the gym I have been trying to watch what I eat. I've not been dieting as such as just trying to eat less. This has meant I don't feel guilt at the occasional treat but generally just feel a bit better.

Tonight I did 1.3km on the cross trainer before I did some weight stuff. Stomach crunch things to try and lose some of my tummy and some back extensions (I think thats what they are called...) before my 20 minutes on the treadmill (plus the four minute cool down) where I did 2.69km!!!! So I'm pretty happy :) tonight felt like a real struggle because I've been sniffly & sneezy all days with allergies or hayfever so I feel I've not been able to breathe deep enough if that makes sense.

Now time for something to eat :)

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