The Daily Bun

By pennybun

Going to Seed

I have a folder in my images library called "Blip" which is where photos go whenI take a photo to have something for my journal, rather than because I've taken photos of a specific subject or in a frequently visited location. Often they are from the garden, and today's is one such. Despite the fact I'm not a fan of white flowers, I'm very fond of this one. It is located in my herb garden, I grew it from seed some years ago and it has thrived and spread vegetatively and from seed, but not become invasive. I use the leaves to perk up a salad. It starts to flower quite late in the season, and is just starting to go over now. The flowers remind me of little stars. What is it? It's garlic chives.

I went out on another fungus foray today. we found a few more species than yesterday, and the company was equally pleasant. Sadly the weather was not as good - although it was dry and mild, it was overcast, so I didn't get any good fungus pics.

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