
Busy day today.
Watched the rugby this up and readied ourselves to go out shopping. Decided to fortify ourselves with a cooked brekkie at our favourite little eaterie in Hinckley before descending on Morrisons. One overflowing trolley later we stopped for a coffee before nipping in to see Chris` sister. Had another brew there and then went on over to see his neice Katherine. Another brew whilst we heard about there exploits on holiday in Devon last week and then on over to visit Michaela and her family. It was her son Harrisons birthday today so she had done a little birthday tea for him.
He hates having his picture taken even if you are trying a sneaky shot he will do something to spoil it. His younger sister on the other hand will pose for the fridge light coming on so here is Mollie..she is prettier than Harry anyway.

Two cracking results today
New Zealand beating France and the blue half of Manchester stuffing the red half...

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