
By Ubernoob


Mowed the lawns today...where o where are the teenagers when you need them?!?...
Anyways its generally a 2 hour job which I kinda enjoy when I haven't anything else to do (which is rarely!~)
By the end of it my feet were almost as green as the lawn...and yes I know mowing the lawns in bare feet is dangerous to toes! anyway I thought they'de make a good blip....
Has anyone ever actually tried to photograph the soles of their own feet??? incredibly difficult...tried 'the lotus position' ,result..."fankles" ...tried leaning over them with the camera towards them, result...great feet but a very unflattering view down my shirt an up my shorts!...tried sitting on them with the camera behind, result great feet again but boy did that angle make my bum look HUGE!!..so I gave up!

These are a couple of vintage cars at the local church fair this morning..at least they're green!!

I'm not a church goer by any stretch of the imagination but our community had a lovely old stone church...till it got munted in the September Quake last year so the anual fair has now tripled in size to raise the funds to fix it

Have put a pic of the damage in my blipfolio...quality isn't great as it was taken with my old point an shoot before I got my canon...

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