So much space

We moved our Hamlet rehearsal to a church hall today where there was enough room to mark out the actual dimensions of the space we will be performing in, rather than the cramped conditions we have been working in at Buccleuch. It took a little getting used to but it made a big difference to see things spread out as they will actually be. Especially the final fight scene. This is our Hamlet, M, pausing for a moment (on top of the taped out outline that marks the position of the fencing platform) during his well-choreographed fight with Laertes, played by another M. Hamlet's loyal friend Horatio, played by R, stands in the background. We rehearsed on into the evening, finishing off a day that started with another Socrates Cafe session and discussion of good samaritans (and why some people stop to help) and adulthood (and what makes us adults).

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