must try harder

By halfcj

Look, no hands.

Found this stone frieze (if that's what you call it) at Hampton Court.

Now as well as the copious notes explaining what it depicted, which I will not bore you with (mostly because I didn't make notes of the notes - and also because I have a sieve for a memory about this kind of stuff so I'd get it wrong), where was I?.....oh yes, as well as the copious notes explaining what it depicted, there were two very important and most useful pieces of instructive signage that were indeed most revealing, and rather amused me : The curators of Hampton Court were at pains to point out to all visitors that courtesans of a by-gone era were clearly criminals as none of the had hands!

Were they trying to tell us that they all had them cut off whilst incarcerated in the dungeons for stealing? Or perhaps...the curators were just warning us not to wave at them! they could not wave back!?

I'm on a mission. I'll find out!

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