The Pain of Me

By snyder54

Last Beautiful Girl

Matchbox 20

Today has been pretty good so far. My mom and I went to town and I got a lot of stuff. I wanted to rent movies for this week, and I got Sweeney Tood, Dan In Realy Life, One Missed Call, AVP-Requiem, and The Invisible. I think that I'm gonna watch Sweeney Todd tonight.

We then went to Kohl's and I got a new tank top, 2 skirts, and an amazing dress. Two of the three things I got ended up being free, and then the dress was $21, I think. I plan on wearing the dress to my brothers graduation party, and then maybe to homecoming this year. Then I'm going to wear the tank top to my cousins grad party.

My blip for today is of me, in the dress. I really like it. It's comfy, pretty, and well just amazing. I can't wait to wear it. :]

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