Life is Good
I have come to believe that these little titmice are the happiest birds on the planet. They come and go from the feeders all day, carefully take one sunflower seed at a time and hurrying to a branch where they crack it open with their beak. This one was in my window feeder in my office and I was, as you can see, just on the other side of the glass with a bird's eye (and tongue) view. Couldn't resist blipping it.
Had a major treat this morning when I looked out on the deck and saw two Eastern Bluebirds at the water "trough". I've never seen these bright things before, although I know that they are a year round species in my area. They don't eat seeds, so the only reason they were there was for the water. lovely to see.
Addendum: short while later, I happened to see a red fox run past my window so dashed out to see if I could get a snap and instead came across this lovely white tail deer buck.
Happy Monday to everyone!
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