W8man on the Web

By w8man


I love magic! Card tricks, disappearing objects, illusions, petty much anything...

A few years ago whilst in London I stumbled across the magic stall in Covent Garden. The bloke their was called James and he'd show the young kids a load of cool magic. They loved it, everyone did. It was hard not to be impressed in fact.

Anyway over three or four visits to London I ended up purchasing all kinds of stuff from him. A set of magic sponge balls, 'Special' playing cards even the 'holy grail' of card magic 'The royal road to magic' book.

Here is one such item I bought from him, it has sit on the mantle piece for ages now. Great to fidget with and marvel at it's simplicity. It's the disappearing 10 pence piece chamber.

When done properly and fast (like James could) it was most impressive.

Less so by me.

One day it shall be perfected along with the magical contents of that book.

Until then. I shall just stick to the puff of smoke illusion.


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