Coffee Spoons

By MissMarj

Free-Form Hot Water Bottle Cover

I knitted this all by myself *smug mode*

It's free-form because I didn't have a pattern for it, I just made it up as I went along, and I'm very pleased with the results - mostly because I consider myself to be rubbish at knitting! It's for a mini hot water bottle and is probably about twice the size it needs to be but it does the job. I'm extra pleased because the stripes came out so well, except for the first row but I'll thank Greenzowie for giving me the notion of making that a feature.

The mini hot water bottle only holds about a standard mug of hot water so I thought it might be a little useless. However, I discovered it is excellent for supplementing the heat of a large hot water bottle when you sit on it (as Fonzie would say). I becoming a hot water bottle expert because it's not quite cold enough yet to turn on the central heating.

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