
By Poppy

Wild waves!

Another very wild and windy day. Yesterday was the same, Himself had the day off so we spent the day working on the new kitchen! Today he was back at work and so Ollie and I togged up and headed round the shore to get some fresh air!

Up on the cliffs the wind was fierce, but once you got down the face a bit you were sheltered from the easterly gale and could sit and enjoy the view. Lots of terrific shots - I had the camera on "burst" function and got home to find 175 pictures to choose from! This shows the height of the spray coming up the cliff, but lots of them, because there is nothing to give you any sense of scale, actually don't look that dramatic - although if you were there, they definitely were!

Ollie loves the wind and gets quite manic and high in it, chasing round like a daft thing! Came home via some neighbours and was sitting drinking coffee when Himself appeared, having finished his post round as there were no planes so only local mail. So, another afternoon of renovation work then . . . . !

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