
By Battlesmiff75

Swan Lake

A hard decision on which photo to blip again today, but I chose this one for my mum who has wanted a picture of a swan flapping it's wings for quite a while. Hope you like it mum and thanks for a lovely few days.

More time with my family - mum, dad, my sister and niece. Took the children to the park and had a very nice walk around the river again. It was our last day in Exeter and we're making the long drive back home tomorrow. It's so nice to spend time with everyone here but there's always mixed emotions when it's time to leave - looking forward to being home once more & sadness at having to say goodbye again. That's life I suppose!

Forgot to mention that we were extremely luck and saw a solitary black swan on the river today. They are usually found in Dawlish but for some reason this one was in Exeter today and didn't seem to be ringed like the ones in Dawlish are. Took several pictures of it but like this one best

And this was another of my favourite shots from the walk

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