Capital adventures

By marchmont

Red or ......

purple, in this case. I collected the new specs today. 2 pairs of varifocals with reaction lenses. Which do you prefer? Actually I hardly wear my specs and even less my contact lenses. Luckily I can read without aid so glasses/lenses are for driving (don't have a car) and watching tv, not a lot, and occasionally reading the departures board at the station or distant bus numbers - or I can just squint.

Another hectic day but first, thanks to everyone who commented on yesterday. I should have noted down the info about that beautiful George III statue (not that it looks like him, well not the 'Madness of King George' version). My memory is that was made from marble by a woman in the 18th century. It's very fine and I think deserves to be seen more. And it got me to the Spotlight page for the first time ever. I've no idea how that works but I was delighted to be there.

Previously chez Marchmont, I woke at 5.30 and searched for bath screens and towel rails online for a while but I don't think either will work. After a swim in a very quiet pool, it was 2 and half hours being made beautiful and funky chez coiffeur. Then to Albion Road for 2 more tester pots (yellow, if you're interested), a chat with J and the Board members of VS and a catch up with the lovely N. Managed to phone #1 daughter in law who was out celebrating her 30th birthday - happy birthday Wen Hui, all these kilometres + 7 hours away. Even got a quick 'hello' from her husband!

To JL (covered in Christmas decs, and we haven't had Hallowe'en yet) to look at splashbacks and thence through 'Occupy Edinburgh' (which is growing, the tents have spilled over onto a new piece of grass) to get a VERY slow bus along George Street to collect the specs. I plan to wear the red ones as sunglasses (if I ever get to the sun again) and to look outrageous. 'When I am an old woman I shall wear purple'.

Saw #2 son briefly. He came to pick up his new HTC, express delivery by Yodel. The last one got fried in the sun when he was at La G with his dad last month. Luckily O2 agreed to replace it so he was over the moon. He has my old handset which I don't need but he's also borrowed my mouse and I miss it, I'm not very good with touchpads.

I've bought Molly a cat activity centre which arrived yesterday. She has to hunt for her food, play with the ball on the helter skelter and scratch the scratch pad, not the bed, door, carpet. There is also kitty grass planted. So far she has ignored all of it and is currently curled up on the couch beside me, sound asleep. She may starve if she can't work out how to get the food. That's a crash cat diet.

I have watched a bit of TV tonight. The TV came on on BBC2 and it was celebrity antiques hunt starring Edinburgh and the antiques shops along the road from here that I visited a few weeks ago. Weird to see places you know.

I've put out the brown bins for tomorrow. I am a busy bee!

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