My Angle

By myangle


This is pretty much the first picture I have taken with my GoPro. As I expected the image quality is slightly lacking but the sheer usefulness of the camera makes up for it. This morning I bolted it to the bike and did a video going to work. On the way home I set it to take still photos every 60 seconds. None of it was very exciting as you can imagine. The best was this one of Jassy, taken this morning while I was having my cup of tea. She hasn't worked that it is a camera pointing at her yet. Normally she wouldn't pose so nicely for me.

As an extra bonus, after making a complaint to GoPro for releasing a newer, more powerful version of the camera just a few days after I bought this one, they have agreed to pay me the difference. That is $60. Sometimes it is worth making a noise when you feel a little bit done over.

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