There's a first time for everything and today was the first time I have ran out of petrol on the way to see a client. Unfortunately I was on one of Scotland's busiest roads at the time. Fortunately the car gave up the ghost just as I was coming up to an emergency lay-by.

A few phone calls to explain the situation and to take the inevitable ribbing from the client and then the hunt for the nearest petrol station began. Just as I was about to set off on foot along the side of the road, Whitey came up trumps and called me to say a local taxi firm were on the way. After a hectic few days a twenty minute wait back in the car with 6 Music and a family bag of maltesers wasn't the end of the world.

Once the taxi arrived I was along at Sainsbury's petrol station in no time. Only to find out that they didn't stock petrol canisters. They helpfully pointed me in the direction of Halford's further down the road.

An hour and half later than I should have been there I arrived at the meeting. I now have a red face, a petrol canister that I will hopefully never use again and an empty bag of maltesers.

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