Blue Tit

Ah what we suffer for the sake of our blip art! I've been frozen to the bedroom windowsill with the window open this afternoon, and icy blasts blowing through, trying to catch a decent blip of the goldfinches falling out in heaps again. The pecking order is interesting. They tolerate each other if there are just two on the feeder at one time, blue tits and great tits they ignore. However, they will not put up with other species, particularly greenfinches, or three or more mates, then the squabbling begins. I guess greenfinches are of the same family - in laws!

Anyway I couldn't catch a half decent shot of the spats, so have to be content with this blue tit, flying back and forth through the mayhem of thrashing wings and calmly helping himself to nuts from the squirrel feeder.

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