Me, Myself and Catherine

By cspeakman

Yorkshire Dales: A cross-sectional view

Any of you who've followed my journal for a while (and a grateful thanks to you all - you keep me going) will know I've got a bit of a thing about quarries. There's something I want to say in this image - but it's not there yet, more of a seed of something to follow.

It's something about the huge scale of man-made destruction, of seeing inside the earth, beneath it's skin, the scars, brutality. Yet also a kind of awe, a fascination in it. And yet, huge and gaping, they are but small scars on a scene of far greater destruction and power, laughable in the face of nature, which created this tumbled geological playground.

So a confused message as yet. I'll work on it.

Here are a few more examples of my quarry addiction, if anyone shares my curiosity!
A different view of the same
Entering Cathedral Quarry
The Cathedral again
Hodge Close
That view yet again

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