Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones

As Promised, My Freaky Eye

Retinal screening today - all good. Had the crazy drops that make the world look lovely and bright. I like the fact that in the photograph I can see the reflection of myself stretching the camera out in my pupil.

Today, Boo saw the great big inflatable monkey again but was even more entertained by the "BREAT BIG BOOBIES!!!". He saw two Silo's by the side of the road. They had dome shaped tops. Naturally, If you are two years old they remind you of giant breasts. He could not stop laughing. He self-weaned a few months ago, but still very much remembers what they are for. He has been known to ask Grandma if she has any, and today he asked Daddy if he has any boobies. Daddy was not impressed.

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