Jay Bee Day Lee Foe Tee

By jackblack

I was only saying yesterday ....

.... how time flies! And that was only about the last 7 months.

This is Arthur (and his dog, Sinbad).
Arthur has known me since I was 6! a very, very, very long time.
He lives a distance away and I have been very naughty and never visited him .... he is down this way visiting relatives and came to see mum and dad this evening, so I just had to go and say hello.

It is 18, yes EIGHTEEN, years since the last time I saw him yet it seemed like no time at all. He hasn't changed a bit.
It was great catching up and even better to find that he's on Facebook so we'll be able to KEEP in touch :-)

Waves to Arthur cos this will show up in his news feed when he accepts my friend request!!! :-)

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