A Rose By Any Other Name

By arosebyanyother

'Lists for Santa'

After my night shift I woke up at 1:30 to find the boys had practiced their spellings & made lists for Santa!! Wow!
It's made me feel a bit Christmasy! :-)

We've got the work Christmas party coming up, & instead of it being a nice time, where people can get to know each other it's become a battle of who can book it off first! (mainly us overnight staff & people working the following morning!) I personally think the place could close for 1 night, especially as it's on a Sunday & Sunday overnights are dead!!

Hubby has had his birthday present from his parents early, got tons of new clothes, so he's having a sort out! He's allowed to take me out now!! :-)

We've also been pricing up cupcakes! This might be the start of something good!!! ;-) x

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