
By hoodedpigwoman


There is famous statue in Glasgow of Wellington, apparently listed in Lonely Planet's Top 10 Bizarre Monuments, which has become a symbol of the city, because he's wearing a traffic cone on his head. This is supposed to show the humorous and irreverant nature of the inhabitants.

Now, don't get me wrong, that's exactly what Glaswegians are like, but the fact this has become the subject of posters and t-shirts etc. etc. of late, I would have thought it more humorous and irreverant nowadays for someone to go along at night and take the cone away. Probably then someone from the Tourist Board would have to replace it in the morning.

Anyway, this is one of the plaques from the base, which can't fit a traffic cone on and therefore don't get much publicity. I have no idea what this is meant to depict, as I don't know much about Wellington, but I know he was an aristo, and that looks more like Dick Whittington to me.

I do wonder if the Lonely Planet people get out as much as they used to though...

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