
......... my mother called me late in the afternoon to say that dad was being allowed home after 6pm. As you can imagine he was one happy man and looking forward to his own bed and home cooked meals, hopefully he'll make fast impovements now.

This is what happens when you leave a super tender plant out in the cold after a rubbish summer with almost no sun - this is my ginger plant looking a tad sad, it will come back but certainly it won't flower next year thankfully it was brougt in before the frosty mornings we had last week

Oops D and I drove to the O2 film complex in Greenwich so see some Bollywood movie but by the time we got there and queued for 20 mins it was full not just the one he wanted to see but some of the other ones - I mean I know its Orange Wednesday and half term but who would have thought a whole cimema would fill with people wanting to see whatever it was called. D blamed me for not driving fast enough but the traffic was bad.

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