cultivate thankfulness

By cultivate

First snow of the season

Yuck. My venture to early classes was met by this gross scene of bitterness and danger. I kept hearing loud cracking and crashing noises all night. Apparently tree branches all over Fort Collins were breaking then falling due to freezing temperatures and weight of the 9 inches of snow we received. In fact, while I was waiting for the bus a 15 meter tree branch fell not 2 meters from me! A girl on campus was even pummeled by a massive branch, and ended up being hospitalized because of it.

The rest of my day proved just as crummy when I had to go in for work and then ended up watching a movie with a friend. Decided to go home instead of spend the night at his house. I ended up having a panic attack after I left.

I don't like myself, or the decisions that I have made recently. Moreover, I don't deserve to be treated so shitty by him or anyone for that matter.

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