The Daily Bun

By pennybun

Grey Wagtail, Autumn Tints

Met with (different) friends again for lunch today. The weather was very different from yesterday - that beautiful autumn light again, so I set off early to walk to the pub (about 5 miles via the river valley, and a climb at the end) I got lots of shots of reflections for my photography class, and saw lots of birds (heron, tree creeper, nuthatch, jay...) and quite a few new flushes of fungi, so it was a most enjoyable morning. The trouble with wildlife photography - especially for an amateur like me, is fumbling around for the right exposure for the lighting conditions and the subject, so a grey wagtail in dappled shade was a challenge. The bird might have been sharper, but I'm pleased with the composition of this one.
Enjoy your weekends, one and all!

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