Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Learning Curve

Living in scandinavia and starting my journal in the darkest months of the year gave me little choice but to do night shots. I hope that this year I can do them a little better, I know I've got a lot of practise time ahead of me.

This is our local station "Enghave Station" that is surprisingly quiet considering how close it is, or maybe I've just grown used to it.

We really have to move.

You really should see this in LARGE but for really large....

I was very impressed with the original, untouched version of this that you can see on my "part time blog" here. It might take a bit of time to download 'cos it's huge but you can see exactly what it's like straight out of the camera (click on the pic, then click again for full, huge and I mean massive size).

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