Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11


This is Tim's basic ring. I love it. I'm obsessed with it. I hope to one day steal it for keepsies. Tehehe

It was kind of a slow day today. Nothing too exciting; hanging with Tim and enjoying the last few days of summer. It's crazy to think that in a short month I will be back on Marist College soil.

I miss it. It's weird being back home for the summer. Although, in all honesty, I feel like I haven't had a summer. I finished Freshman year, got a week to move back home and then I started this full time job at Dymax. And of course I'm working until the week before school starts up again and then I go to Georgia for a few days, come back and have to move back in.

As much as I miss it though, I don't know how much I'm looking forward to being back at school. I know I want to be there because I loved last year, but I also never thought I would get this lucky in CT and find a guy as great as Tim.

Nor did I ever believe I would love this job as much as I do. It's funny where your life brings you sometimes. I will never forget this experience. There are things in life you can plan, but there is no absolutes. I knew I'd have to be doing this internship for my mom's company and I knew that I would do alright at it, but I never expected to be offered a full-time position or to meet the people I have.

Throughout my life, I've only really socialized with a certain type of people. I went to school with the same kids from 5 to 18 and then I knew my family, my friends' families and I knew my teachers. I've been very sheltered with the type of people I've meet and gotten to know. It's been very white-collar, upper middle class.

The people that I work with now are definitely not that. Not to say that I think I am better than them at all. Quite the opposite. I feel so much respect towards them. They truly inspire me. I don't know how I will handle saying goodbye to them when the end of the summer comes.

Some people come into your life for a reason; I truly believe that with this bunch.

"Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away. And going away means forgetting."
And I never want to forget you.

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