
By Shonie

Its Friday - Be Frivolous

Well .... hip hip hooray its Friday. I hear this alot, or on Facebook its TGIF... and I would normally agree with getting a Friday night off work (this does NOT happen often) however, alas, I am off this evening but being slightly skint and abit tired I have resorted to sitting in with the fire on, a cuppa tea and my poochies - we are awaiting my gorgeous man returning home. Sadly this will be much later. But we have been having some fun; IPig was turned on and the music was on and we were having a little dance, there really is something very liberating about 'dancing like no one is watching' so I did just that! And in the process took some snaps along the way ... most were pretty horrendous and the doggies have had their blip this week so I thought Id put this one up. Took the opportunity to take a happy snap.

I am really trying hard to learn to smile properly, this is going to take serious time. I am rapidly approaching 25 and am the owner of some lovely snazzy Ugly Betty's, its difficult; my teeth were awful before - crooked and snaggle-toothed.
However, I look at them now and sometimes I cant believe they are my teeth!! They look awesome, but I am still conscious of the Betty's and I'm so used to covering up my mouth or just smiling with it shut...maybe I should get it over with and do a big cheeser as a blip and show you all the Betty's - and rapidly straightening teeth. I still have some way to go though, I need an operation to realign my jaw which basically means I get a free broken jaw courtesy of Dundee Dental Teaching Hospital. But, my teeth have always been a big point of self consciousness for me, so to smile properly would be priceless...painless...not a chance. But small steps will lead, one day, to a really big smile.

S x

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