LocalBoy & His Fotographs

By stevenbirrell

The View From The Lighthouse

When you stand at the top of a lighthouse and look through the window, you don't expect to see a city skyline! Ah right, so it's not a 'real' Lighthouse, but the converted former Glasgow Herald buildings which is now "Scotland's Centre for Architecture, Design and the City".

At the top of the building on the sixth floor, there is a viewing platform which offers views across the city with floor to ceiling windows and I got a few nice shots 'framed' by the windows. But there are a few little windows that open outwards and I stuck the camera through it and got this. Just something about it that I like.

Yesterday I met two people taking photos of each other with a camera on a tripod. They were holding a plastic pint 'glass' over the lens and curiousity got the better of me and I asked why and if I could what sort of shots it was producing. They had made a crack in the bottom of the glass and it was producing lots of cool shots that blurred the outside of the circle with a sharp focus through the cracks. Yes, I am going to give it a go at some point. Every day is a school day and all that!

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