
By Sparky


So, life had taken another strange turn. Steve has left, he prefers to cope with cancer by himself, without me 'helping' him. Luckily for him his old flat was still available, so his friends helped him move his stuff back
These are the bubbles in my friendhip cake, a sour dough cake. It needs stirring and feeding. Day 9 you split it into 4,.give 3 portiorns away, and then bake the cake.
Son1 will come to visit now, since Steve had gone, he is having a difficult time, he didn't go to uni, but his gf did.
I have another house purchase underway, 3rd time lucky? I hope so, I'm fed up of this limbo.

Apparently if you say you are going to take a sleeping tablet to help you get to sleep easily, that's emotional blackmail.
Oh, and its my birthday on Monday, witch you might have realised is Halloween, pun intended. I will be half a century!!

Hugs to you all in blipland.

Especially if you are not well at the moment.

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