Lost Between Worlds

By PaganParent

4 Weeks Postpartum

Before I got pregnant, I weighed in at about 165 pounds...but was fit and healthy, despite the higher scale number.

I blipped myself at my smallest, here in Where'd I Go: Part 2: The Daring Reveal

I gained an impressive 45 pounds during the pregnancy, and most of it directly in my stomach, as seen here, in my 38 week blip.

That puts my top weight at 210 at birth...

My son was 9 pounds at birth, and is now 4 weeks old(a month tomorrow).

This is my current weight...177.2

That means I have lost almost 33 pounds since his birth. That's more than a pound a day on average(though we all know I lost at least 10 in those first 24 hours, LMAO).

I'll check in every week on here, unless my son does something absolutely adorable I must blip, LOL

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