For the family

By RonaMac

Get me out of here!!

I've just been reliably (possibly) informed that there is a relation of mine who might be in a spot of bother today, having celebrated a birthday and wedding yesterday (ewe will know who I'm speaking about)!!

Hey mate' if ewe think ewe have a hard time of it, how about sharing personal space with this motely bunch!! We have been shut away for agggeeees and have just seen the light of day.

No musical soirées or climbing trees for us.

The only other lamb here tells me he is a pensioner (not sure what that is) but his name is Kilroy and he has funny stuffing (not sure what they used to stuff lambs with in his day, not herbs). Heard "herself" mutter.... "can't put this in the washing machine!!"

Another ancient old geezer at the back says he's from a common related to tennis!! Dementia is setting in I think!!

Most of the residents look in need of a good wash. I know the location of a good dip that I could take them to, ewe have probably been there!!

The only smart ones here are the old lady with the fancy flowered hat. A rather tasty young piece in black and white, just my colours, also sported by the odd fashionable butterfly, many miles from here!!The only thing that puts me off is that she has a stick in her hand and she is not always too careful where she is waving it. I know I can jump high but don't need her sort of help!!

My best pal is the cat. Loving and friendly when it suits her. She a bit odd. Pink stripes!! Not very fashionable and not her own, I can see the cream roots, so she must sneak off somewhere on the quiet to get them touched up!!

Well mate, ewe can take your pick, your place or mine!! I'll warn the smelly bunch they might have a visitor!!

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