Pigs are more likely to fly.... BUT this is a VERY special ring that my mum gave me today. It was her dad's mum's engagement ring and we worked out it possibly dates back to 1920. It made my day and I'm going to keep it on forever. It makes me feel special.
My adventure was rudely interrupted today by a series of road closures so in the end I gave up and instead had a mini adventure. Still a great day even though the wind was defiantly wintery.
I finished up at Ilkley Tarn and sat there at dusk watching the light fading. It was so peaceful and it got me thinking back to something I did when I was 16. No not THAT! I went on an outward bound course where we had to go and camp out in the wilderness on our own with a sheet, two poles, a cooking stove, a carrot, onion, mars bar, apple, pen and a notepad. We had to spend 24 hours completely on our own. It was one of the best experiences of my (short) life and something I recommend everyone to do. When did you last leave everything and not see anyone for 24 hours? In this age of technology, Internet phones etc I think it's rare that anyone's done it.....do it!
As a side note. Sir Jimmy S was meant to be turning on Ilkleys Xmas lights this year...:(
And that's today's one through the looking glass
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