Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam


Mum went home today. I've back-blipped her looking all sophisticated while walking around the lakes! Only my mother could do 'Movie Star goes walk-about' while entertaining two small boys. The boys are a bit sad now, especially H. Mum is his ally. I'm sure he thinks she's the only one who truly understands him.

So today I've pottered - done a bit of housework, made and cooked some Cornish pasties, listened to H practice his piano and violin. I've also witnessed the tantrum-from-hell, caused by a combination of over-tiredness, over-excitement and after-the-party-crash.

Never mind. We're off to watch Strictly Come Dancing, which I recorded fortunately, as with all the...erm...drama, we forgot it was on.

**edit** I missed the news about Jimmy Saville dying. He was a unique and fascinating man. I was a huge fan of Jim'll Fix It as a child and wrote in a few times but was never selected. I particularly wanted to meet the members of ABBA and cried all through the episode where some fortunate soul actually *did* get to meet them :-)

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