From where i stand!!!

By Dancingninja

What can you see in the leaves???

This is best viewed Large as some of the leaves make little shapes i see a butterfly, a muscly arm etc......

We arrived back last night 2am I have been shattered today, I know I should have rested as pointed out to me by bradybird but there was soooooo much to do!!

A mountain of washing, no food in the fridge forgot to do online shop so for the first time in a couple of years I headed over to tesco!!!! Oh my god it's so noisy and people everywhere I stuck my headphones in my ears and pretended to be doing my shopping at a concert!!! Also i kept ramming my own toe as I stupidly put flip flops oninto wheels on trolley think I've forgotten how to steer it! Honest you can't beat it, I will not ever forget to do my online shop I felt 2 hours were wasted walking round there!! Some people like it I hate it!! Clothes shopping is another story I love it!!

It's the end of the day the house is a shit tip and I'm still only half way through the washing, but one positive of my little tesco adventure was I picked myself that's myself up a huge whole nut chocolate bar which I am going to eat after my tea with a cup of coffee in front of x factor and of course finally being able to catch up with all you lot!!!

Happy weekend everyone xx

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