I am coming towards the end of a project that has been running for around 6 months now which has been going under several names, but the latest is The Model as a Mannequin. I've just completed an excellent shoot with a model based in Edinburgh but known internationally for her magnificent art nude work. It really is a pleasure to work with a professional model like Fredau who can make an image come alive and then be able to re-create the pose for the nude element of the project. In many ways the project has been a revelation to me in opening up opportunities to work with models I wouldn't otherwise have done and in return I have learnt so much more that has pushed my photography forwards.
I hope you enjoy the image from today's shoot and this will make you want to come to the exhibition of the project in 2012. I am on the lookout for somebody who would be able to loan me a mannequin to produce a promotional image, particularly if you are a small fashion designer in Scotland - I will be happy to offer publicity throughout the exhibition.
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