Dear Heart

By dearheart

"Le Mystère Des Flamants"

Dear Heart,
The house was silent today, blissfully so. Only Jen and I were at home, and we both buried ourselves under mountains of Jane Austen criticism. So very quiet - lovely. I listened to Les Ailes Pourpres by the Cinematic Orchestra over and over, and now I'm obsessed with it! Please have a listen! Climbing the stairs and having "Arrival of the Birds" meet you halfway up...
I love the way music like that hits you right in the gut, in the head, in the heart. It is more spiritual than composing words on a page or paint on a canvas. Your soul is communing with something entirely outside of yourself. A God-given gift; either to compose or to be lucky enough to listen to it.
To comfort my cold nose and toes and the rumbling in my stomach, I had soup and hearty wholemeal bread for lunch. Wholesome and curative, and very filling!
Love, Lydia x

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