Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Retro PJs

This isnt a great pic but I've picked it purely for the Pjs. Despite looking like a boy here, this is actually L. She is wearing the 12 year old Postman Pat PJs all 3 of my girls have worn at some stage and they were 2nd hand when I got them. I just love them, they remind me of my childhood when kids tv wasnt made on a computer and was painstakingly put together frame by frame. They show the origninal characters, before the creators started 'modernising' and messing with everything.

How I've typed so much about some bloody pyjamas I dont know!

Fairly dull day today. Waited in for delivery of my new phones...which didnt turn up as promised :( so in a bid for some fresh air I stupidly offered to go get the food shopping.... On a saturday...! I emerged 2 hours later! Lesson learned.

Clocks change tonigh apparently. An extra hour, yippee! although with a baby that's body clock is as stubborn as a mule, it may mean that from now on we get up a the new 5am, formally known at 6am.

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