
By cowgirl

Palladian bridge

As it was such a lovely autumnal morning, we decided to take a trip to Prior Park. The drive to the Bath Park and Ride was glorious, blue sky, the sun bringing out all the beautiful autumn colours.

Having a bucket of coffee at McAvoy's coffee shop, round the corner from the bus station ( and in doing so missed the first bus we were attempting to catch ) the beautiful blue sky made a lovely back drop for the photo I took of the cup cake emblem on the window.

So, why oh why did the sky turn grey the minute we got to Prior Park and the heavens opened as we were half way round the walk??!!

Apart from the disappointment of the light not being what it might have been, we still had a nice walk and took a load of photos, so it was a bit difficult to choose one, but really it could only be one of the bridge. It is one of only four bridges of this design in the world.

Amazing to think a gardens developed some 300 years ago are still being enjoyed today, largely due to the excellent work of the National Trust. We got our membership for a bargain £60 last year, but have enjoyed it so much we're happily continuing on with it. Even the full price of around £83 is well worth it , especially if you love to take photographs. Highly recommended!

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